Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hopes for this Blog

This is the obligatory first posting for any blog.  I'd love to do without it, but I have some explaining to do...

I'm kind of stepping out on a limb here, but I'm hoping that I can use this blog to help people out.  I'd like to tackle everything from computer keyboard shortcuts (already working on that one) to how a car engine works.  Hopefully I can cover what I want to here without estranging anyone.  You don't have to read every blog post if certain ones don't interest you :)

This blog was actually a request by several people (you know who you are!), so hopefully it's everything you want it to be.  If at any time there are things that you want me to cover or try to explain, feel free to comment here or shoot me an email.  Those of you who know me know that I love about anything that deals with technology (like computers and electronics), but also love working with mechanical workings like cars.

So speak up if you want me to tackle a topic, and hopefully I won't run out of things to post!


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